Sunday, August 15, 2010

Help of a missing power of Attorney

Medical malpractice is a term used to describe the negligence or carelessness of a health care professional such as a doctor, nurse, laboratory technician, or other specialist in the medical field. This can particularly occur through incorrect diagnosis or prescribing the wrong dose or type of medication. We all appreciate the knowledge and expertise that a health professional offers, but we also are very aware of the level of trust we put into these professionals with our health and our lives. However, accidents can happen in which a patient acquires injuries or even dies due to the lack or inferior quality of treatment given at the hospital or medical clinic, in which case a San Diego malpractice case can be formed.

When medical malpractice occurs, the law has specific legal measures in place to protect the rights of the victim. A San Diego malpractice lawyer can help to enforce the measures and even help you acquire any compensation that you may be entitled to. The following list contains examples of what a victim might want to file a lawsuit over:

* The misdiagnosis of a disease or other medical condition

* The failure to treat a person's illness or injury as quickly as necessary and possible

* Performing "experimental" surgery, or performing any surgery or operation without consent

* Failure to perform necessary acts or procedures during labor and delivery

And many more including lab mistakes and mistakes during surgeries and operations.

A skilled and experienced medical lawyer uses his resources all over the country to represent his client properly; he can set the victim as a number one priority, preserving and protecting his rights to justice.

The right San Diego lawyer won't be afraid to take on a doctor or hospital in order to make sure that you are compensated from the damages that have resulted from a professional's negligence or mistake. The amount of compensation depends on the specific circumstance of your case, particularly the extent of the injury and the losses you suffered as a result. For instance, many people are compensated for past and future medical bills and treatments, wages lost from not being able to attend work, as well as mental and emotional harm that may have been sustained. In most cases, a lump sum can be calculated based on several or all of the items mentioned.

Not all malpractice cases go to trial though. Usually these cases are subject of settlement between the two parties; therefore you need a skilled lawyer who can negotiate a fair and decent settlement.

San Diego malpractice occurs not only with health care professionals, but also in other areas of work such as architecture and legal representation. If you believe you may be suffering from malpractice, please contact an attorney right away.

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